MASARulesofOrder 2023.pdf

The Magnolia Area Softball Association Code of Ethics and Rules of Order


The Magnolia Area Softball Association (M.A.S.A.), a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, will provide to the youth of the community an organized softball league within the Magnolia area. The association shall firmly

implant ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority, as to build social and athletic skills that allow for societal integration to adulthood and allow for well adjusted, responsible, and trustworthy adults.

Article I

Code of Ethics

The following code of ethics will apply to all persons representing any capacity of the Magnolia Area Softball Association.

  • I pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for anyone participating in youth sports by following this Code of Ethics:
  • I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice or any other MASA supported or sponsored event.
  • I will place the emotional and physical wellbeing of all players ahead of my personal desire to win.
  • I will insist that all players play in a safe and healthy environment.
  • I will require that all coach be trained in responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that the coach upholds the Code of Ethics.
  • I will support coaches and officials working with MASA, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
  • I will demand a sports environment for all that is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and will refrain from their use at every game, practice or any other MASA supported or sponsored event.
  • I will remember that the game is for youth – not adults.
  • I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for all involved.
  • I will ask that all players treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
  • I will help all players enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaching, or providing transportation.
  • I will not make any comments towards the umpire(s) in any way.
  • I will encourage learning over winning!
  • I will not shout or yell any negative comments at anyone during the game!
  • Parents and Guest NO Yelling out at umpires, yelling out plays or coaching from stands. Please allow the coaches on the field to address all issues and do the coaching. Parents will be asked to leave for not following the rules.

Article II


There will be a NO TOLERANCE rule in effect for breaking any of the Code of Conduct and/or the Rules of Orders!

You will be asked to leave the field, or your team will be asked to stop playing! No exceptions!



All complaints or grievances shall be formally made in writing within three (3) days of an incident or conflict taking place.

All complaints or grievances shall be directed to a MASA Board member and will NOT be addressed during active play or during a MASA represented event.

  • Violation of ANY of the rules will be documented and handled through the Board of Directors, Player Agent, or Team Coach.
  • If at any time, the Board deems player’s conduct unbecoming, player may be suspended from play and even the League.

o First Offense - Verbal Notice o Second Offense - Board of directors of player agent will notify Parent/Guardian o Third Offense - Game or league Suspension/retroactive


COED T-Ball Rules of Play Rules of Play

  • All teams must bat a fixed roster, everyone bats Both teams will bat 5 batters then switch.
  • Outs will not be recorded.
  • A ball that does not go beyond the 6-foot arc in front of home plate will be considered a dead ball and is considered a foul ball against the batter.
  • The batter will swing until they hit the ball, no outs at the plate only during base running.

                                                    If after 5 swings the coach may help the batter swing.

           If after 5 swings and the ball is hit but did not pass the 6-foot foul arc in front of home plate, the hit will be counted, and the runner may run

  • No walks will be allowed
  • No stealing or lead offs will be allowed
  • Runner cannot leave base until the ball is hit when batting off tee.

                                                   An out will occur after one warning per team for a runner leaving the base early.

  • Runners my advance one base on a hit ball until pitcher has ball in pitcher’s circle or ump calls time.
  • Umpire will call time when lead runner is touched by a defensive player with the ball or advancement of a runner to the next base is blocked by defensive player with the ball on the base.
  • Runners may only advance one base on an overthrow to first base.
  • Any player with ball may touch first base.
  • Pitching Rules

    No pitching a Tee will be used.

  • Basic dugout rules
  • Players are not allowed to make derogatory remarks or do cheers which belittle the opposing team or its members, i.e.: do not address the other team’s pitcher.
  • No hanging on the dugout meshes or cause damage to any league property.
  • NO ONE other than team members and coaching staff, team moms are allowed in the dugout at any time during the game, unless approved by coaching staff and they have proof of background check on file.
  • Regulation Game
  • A regulation game shall consist of 45 minutes, and the inning in progress will be completed.
  • A game called by the umpire after 1 complete inning will be considered a completed game. The umpire is empowered to call a game because of weather, curfew, or acts of God.
  • Visiting team for the first game will water the entire infield (arrive 1 ½ hour before game time)
  • Home team for first game will stripe the fields before the game (arrive 1 ½ hour before game time)
  • Team moms will make sure make sure the trash cans in both dugouts have a liner
  • Home team will keep the official score and have official score book
  • Visiting team will keep the score board and pick up controller or flip score board from concession stand
  • Last game of the day
  • Winning team will return tee to shed and score book to concession stand Losing team will pull garbage bag out of dugout and place behind dug out fence. 6U Rules of Play

    All ASA rules apply with the following exceptions;

  • Rules of Play
  • All players on the field will ALWAYS be required to wear face MASK.
  • All teams must bat a fixed roster, everyone bats
  • A ball that does not go beyond the 6-foot arc in front of home plate will be considered a dead ball and is considered a foul ball against the batter. (THIS ONLY APPLY’S DURING THE FIRST 3 WEEKS WHEN A TEE IS USED TO HELP WITH HITTING AFTER THE PLAYER HAS ATTEMPTED TO HIT THE 5 PITCHES FROM THE COACH)
  • No walks will be allowed
  • No stealing / lead off s will be allowed
  • Runner cannot leave base until the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand

    An out will occur after one warning per team for a runner leaving the base early.

  • Runners my advance on a hit ball until pitcher has ball in pitcher’s circle, lead runner is stopped or ump calls time.
  • Umpire will call time when lead runner is touched by a defensive player with the ball or advancement of a runner to the next base is blocked by defensive player with the ball on the base.
  • Batters may only advance one base on an over throw to first base.When ball is being thrown back into pitcher it’s the umpires call on rather the runner can advance on the over throw back to the pitcher.
  • Any player with ball may touch first base.
  • If a defensive player is blocking the base a runner is going to, and the runner was trying to run thru to the following base, an obstruction will be called, and runner will get the next base at umpire’s discretion. This rule will just be a warning the first 4 games of play, then will be enforced. You must teach your girls not to block the base.
  • Each inning players need to switch positions in order to help them learn other positions. 1st base is the only position that doesn’t have to be switched every inning. (Throwing of the ball to first base needs to be practiced on at each practice and encouraged during regulation games.) 5 run limit per inning
  • Pitching Rules
  • Coach will pitch 5 pitches, with 7 maximums if foul on the last pitch (totals for 2 foul balls).
  • Batter will be out after the 5th pitch, or three strikes
  • The first 3 weeks of play a batter may try to hit all 5 pitches, after 5 pitches the batter will get a chance to hit the ball off the Tee. Starting the 4th week, the batter will be called out after missing the 5 pitched balls from coach or 3 strikes. (No more Tee allowed)
  • The coach must pitch with at least one foot inside the pitcher’s circle
  • The pitching rubber for center of circle will be at 35’
  • If hit ball hits coach pitching then ball is considered dead ball, batter may advance to first, and all runners may advance if they are pushed. If a coach is hit trying to get out of the way, it will be at the umpire’s discretion.
  • Pitching Coach must leave circle opposite direction ball is hit to avoid interference.
  • Basic dugout rules
  • Players are not allowed to make derogatory remarks or do cheers which belittle the opposing team or its members, i.e.: do not address the other team’s pitcher.
  • No hanging on the dugout meshes or cause damage to any league property.
  • NO ONE other than team members and coaching staff, and team moms are allowed in the dugout at any time during the game.
  • Regulation Game
  • A regulation game shall consist of 55 minutes, and the inning in progress will be completed. A game called by the umpire before 2 complete innings will be rescheduled.
  • A game called by the umpire after 2 complete innings will be considered a completed game.
  • The umpire is empowered to call a game because of weather, curfew, or acts of God.
  • A game that has not completed 2 complete innings and called by the umpire will be completed when the two teams meet at their next scheduled game.

                                                   The two teams will complete the game that was delayed prior to starting their next scheduled game.

  • If a game ends in a tie after the time has expired, the game shall remain as a tie.
  • Mid-Line Rule:
  • After the batter hits;
  • Runners may be tagged by any player with the ball after first base.
  • Runners not passed the midline when time is called, they must return to previous base

    6U Rules of Play cont’d

  • Defensive Alignments:

                                                   All infielders, except the pitcher, must be at least thirty-five (35) feet from home plate until the batter hits the ball.

                                                   All other players shall be positioned behind the baseline

                                                   There should be a maximum of six (6) infielders including the catcher and pitcher and 4 outfielders

                                                   Outfielders must play behind the base lines.

                                                   Rotate players between outfield and infield

  • Run Limitations
  • No more than five (5) runs per inning.
  • Scorekeeping
  • The home team shall provide one (1) scorekeeper for each game. The Visiting team will provide (1) scorekeeper to run the scoreboard.
  • Before each game, the scorekeepers shall:

                                                   Obtain the scoreboard equipment from the concession stand. (visitor)

                                                   Obtain the designated scorebook for their field from the concession stand. (Home)

                                                    Connect the scoreboard equipment at the designated field. (Visitor)

           Obtain the starting line-up from the managers of both teams. (Home)\ During each game, the scorekeepers shall:

                                                   Keep score for each team and run the scoreboard.

  • After the game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Write the final score in the scorebook, indicating the winning team by name.

                                                   Sign the scorebook including the time & date

                                                   Have both coaches sign book and verify score

                                                   Have umpire sign scorebook

                                                   If scorebook is not signed and filled out correctly both teams will get a loss

  • Both teams will rake the field after each game

                                                  Visiting team will rake the field around the 1st base, 2nd base and pitcher’s mound

                                                  Home team will rake 3rd base and home plate (batter’s box)

  • Visiting team for the first game will water the entire infield (arrive 1 1/2 hour before game time)
  • Home team for first game will stipe the fields before the game (arrive 1 1/2 hour before game time)
  • Team moms will make sure make sure the trash cans in both dugouts have a liner
  • Home team will keep the official score and have official score book
  • Visiting team will keep the score board and pick up controller or flip score board from concession stand
  • Last game of the day
  • Each team will pull garbage bag out of dugout and take to dumpster
  • Visiting team will return scoreboard controller to the concession stand
  • Home team return scorebook to concession stand

8U Rules of Play

All ASA rules apply with the following exceptions; Rules of Play

  • All players on the field will be required to wear face mask at all times. All teams must bat a fixed roster, everyone bats Dropped third strike rule does not apply.
  • Stealing only allowed on a passed ball from Pitcher. 1st – 3rd base, stealing home not allowed.

                                                   Overthrow to first base the batter/runner may steal second at risk of being put out.

                                                   If a throw down to second occurs from catcher and is overthrown the runner may steal to 3rd


                                                  On an overthrow that goes out of play the runner shall be awarded one extra base

                                                   No stealing on Coach Pitch

  • Bunting allowed only during kid pitch only.
  • Base runners may not leave the base until the ball has left the pitcher’s hand. The game will commence with seven players.

           No more than ten (10) players shall play defense, if available including one rover positioning herself in the outfield grass area (six infielders and four outfielders).

                                                   All players must play a defense position every other inning.

           If a team cannot field seven (7) players, the coach may elect to accept a forfeit or recruit a MASA registered player from the same division or younger division, to make seven (7) players.

                                                   The replacement player MUST play outfield.

  • In the event the regular player shows up after the game has begun, they will join the game at the start of the next inning and will take the place of the replacement player.

                                                   The replacement player must leave the game; no automatic out penalty will apply.

  • 5 run limit for 1st and 2nd innings, all other innings 8 run limit.
  • Pitching Rules
  • Kid pitch will be for the first 2 innings, 3rd inning on is all coach pitch.
  • First 2 innings each pitcher may pitch a maximum of 3 pitches, a coach comes and finishes the count.If a batter has 0 strikes they get 3 pitches from the coach , if they have 1 strike on them the coach gets 2 pitches. If batter has 2 strikes on them after kid pitch the coach gets 1 pitch.(3rd inning on will be coach pitch only.) 5 pitches with unlimited fouls balls.
  • Batter either hits from the coach or is out, if a foul on last pitch occurs, batter may continue until a hit or a strikeout occurs
  • Coach must pitch with one foot in the circle at all times. Coach that is pitching may not coach other baserunners from within the pitching circle. They must exit the infield opposite way the ball was hit, then coach their runners. Coach may talk to the batter.
  • A batter hit by a pitcher accepts first (1st) base, only on girl pitch

                                                   Ball that hits the ground first before hitting a batter will just be a ball

  • NO Walks allowed hit or strike out
  • No Bunting allowed on coach Pitch, bunting allowed only during kid pitch.
  • Coach hit by batted ball will be a dead ball and batter may take first base, runners may advance if being pushed.
  • Coach exiting the field and interferes with the fielder, batter is out.
  • One (1) minute and 30 seconds time limit between innings, they pitcher may have 5 warm up pitches between innings if time allows, otherwise only 3 pitches. Coaches should help warm up pitcher if catcher is getting gear on.
  • Basic dugout rules
  • Players are not allowed to make derogatory remarks or do cheers which belittle the opposing team or its members, i.e.: do not address the other team’s pitcher.
  • No hanging on the dugout meshes or cause damage to any league property.
  • No playing with the water provided for you in the dugout.
  • NO ONE other than team members and coaching staff is allowed in the dugout at any time during the game.
  • Regulation Game
  • A regulation game is 1 hour 10 minutes finish the inning. (Once time has expired,when the home team scores the go ahead run game is over.) Games can end in a tie, at the end of the season standings will be determined by heat to head and run differential.

    This is autogenerated on the website by the computer. We can play a 1 game playoff if it is in agreement by the coaches.

  • A game called by the umpire after 3 innings shall be considered regulation.
  • The umpire is empowered to call a game because of weather, curfew, or acts of God.
  • A game that has not completed 3 innings and called by the umpire will be completed when the two teams meet at their next scheduled game.

    8U Rules of Play cont’d

                                                   The two teams will complete the game that was delayed prior to starting their regularly scheduled game.

  • Defensive Alignments.
  • A There will be a maximum of six (6) infielders positioned no closer than 35 feet to home plate before the pitch. All other players must play behind the baseline until the ball is pitched.
  • Maximum of 4 outfielders
  • All players shall play defense a minimum of (1) full inning-3 outs or 5 runs- (except for disciplinary reasons) per game. A girl may not sit the bench 2 times in a row.
  • Catchers must be directly behind the batter’s box. The Catcher must be in a squatted position. The catcher position must be played as it would in the older age groups.
  • Scorekeeping
  • The home team shall provide one (1) scorekeeper for each game. The Visiting team will provide (1) scorekeeper to run the scoreboard.
  • Before e each game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Obtain the scoreboard equipment from the concession stand. (visitor)

                                                   Obtain the designated scorebook for their field from the concession stand. (Home)

                                                    Connect the scoreboard equipment at the designated field. (Visitor)

           Obtain the starting line-up from the managers of both teams. (Home)\ During each game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Keep score for each team and run the scoreboard.

  • After the game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Write the final score in the scorebook, indicating the winning team by name.

                                                   Sign the scorebook including the time & date

                                                   Have both coaches sign book and verify score

                                                   Have umpire sign scorebook

                                                   If scorebook is not signed and filled out correctly both teams will get a loss

  • Both teams will rake the field after each game

                                                  Visiting team will rake the field around the first base, second base and pitcher’s mound

                                                  Home team will rake 3rd base and home plate (batter’s box)

  • Visiting team for the first game will water the entire infield (arrive 1 hour before game time)
  • Home team for first game will stipe the fields before the game (arrive 1 hour before game time)
  • Team moms will make sure make sure the trash cans in both dugouts have a liner
  • Home team will keep the official score and have official score book
  • Visiting team will keep the score board and pick up controller or flip score board from concession stand
  • Last game of the day
  • Each team will pull garbage bag out of dugout and take to dumpster
  • Each team will take down their dugout organizer and fold neatly and return to the shed
  • Visiting team will return scoreboard controller to the concession stand

10U Rules of Play

All ASA 10U rules apply with the following exceptions. Rules of Play

  • All players on the field will be required to wear face mask during regulation play.
  • All teams must bat a fixed roster, everyone bats
  • Drop 3rd strike will be in effect,
  • Any ball in play is considered live ball and runners may steal any base during live ball at any time Runners can steal home on a pass ball.
  • Runners can’t steal second on a walk for first 3 weeks.
  • No Infield fly rule.
  • Foul balls are unlimited during an at bat, unless the batter is bunting with 2 strikes on them.
  • No look back rule first 3 weeks, just a warning. LOOK BACK RULE IS IN EFFECT starting on week 4, each team will get 1 warning then next time will be an out.
  • All over throws are considered a live ball and runner may steal.
  • On an overthrow that goes out of play the runner shall be awarded one extra base.
  • 5 run limit per inning per team for 1st, 2nd and 8 run limit after.
  • If two (2) outs, and catcher is on base she may be replaced by a last batted out to put on catcher’s gear The game will commence with seven (7) players.

           9 players shall play defense, six infielders and three outfielders. All players must play a defense position every other inning.( If Coaches agree teams can play with 4 outfielders to help with playing time.)

           If a team cannot field seven (7) players, the coach may elect to accept a forfeit or recruit a MASA registered player from the same division or younger division, to make nine (9) players.

                                                   The replacement player MUST play outfield.

  • In the event the regular player shows up after the game has begun
  • They will join the game at the start of the next inning and will take the place of the replacement player.
  • The replacement player must leave the game; no automatic out penalty will apply.
  • If a girl does not start first game, she must be put in as starter in second game.
  • No girl may sit the bench for more than one inning at a time.
  • Pitching Rules
  • A batter hit by a pitch accepts first (1st) base. If the ball hits the ground first, then it will be considered a dead ball. Batter doesn’t have to move out of batter box on wild pitch.

                                                   NO COACH PITCH ALLOWED. All girl pitch

  • One (1) minute and 30 seconds time limit between innings, they pitcher may have 5 warm up pitches between innings, if time does not allow then only 3 pitches allowed, no stalling between innings.
  • Bunting will be allowed Foul balls are unlimited
  • Basic dugout rules
  • Players are not allowed to make derogatory remarks or do cheers which belittle the opposing team or its members, i.e.: do not address the other team’s pitcher.
  • No hanging on the dugout meshes or cause damage to any league property.
  • NO ONE other than team members and coaching staff is allowed in the dugout at any time during the game.
  • Regulation Game
  • A regulation game shall consist of one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes having been played or six innings completed. Finish the inning in progress.
  • If there is a tie at the end of regulation, teams will play International Tie Breaker. The 8 run per inning run limit doesn’t apply in ITB. If at the end of ITB teams are still tied game will end as a tie.If there is a tie in the standings at the end of the season for 1st and 2nd place.

    Those 2 teams will play a 1 game playoff the last week of the season to determine the standings.

  • A game called by the umpire after 3 innings shall be considered regulation.
  • The umpire is empowered to call a game because of weather, curfew, or acts of God.

10U Rules of Play cont’d

  • A game that has not completed 3 innings and called by the umpire will be completed when the two teams meet at their next scheduled game.

                                                   The two teams will complete the game that was delayed prior to starting their regularly scheduled game.

  • 5 run limit for 1st, 2nd and 8 runs all other innings.
  • Scorekeeping
  • The home team shall provide one (1) scorekeeper for each game. The Visiting team will provide (1) scorekeeper to run the scoreboard.
  • Before each game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Obtain the scoreboard equipment from the concession stand. (visitor)

                                                   Obtain the designated scorebook for their field from the concession stand. (Home)

                                                    Connect the scoreboard equipment at the designated field. (Visitor)

           Obtain the starting line-up from the managers of both teams. (Home)\ During each game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Keep score for each team and run the scoreboard.

  • At the conclusion of the game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Write the final score in the scorebook, indicating the winning team by name.

                                                   Sign the scorebook including the time & date

                                                   Have both coaches sign book and verify score

                                                   Have umpire sign scorebook

                                                   If scorebook is not signed and filled out correctly both teams will get a loss

  • Before Each game
  • Visiting team for the first game will water the entire infield (arrive 1 1/2 hour before game time)
  • Home team for first game will stripe the fields before the game (arrive 1 1/2 hour before game time)
  • Team moms will make sure make sure the trash cans in both dugouts have a liner
  • Home team will keep the official score and have official score book
  • Visiting team will keep the score board and pick up controller or flip score board from concession stand
  • After each game
  • Both teams will rake the field after each game
  • Visiting team will rake the field around the 1st base, 2nd base and pitcher’s mound Home team will rake 3rd base and home plate (batter’s box)
  • Last game of the day
  • Each team will pull garbage bag out of dugout and take to dumpster
  • Each team will take down their dugout organizer and fold neatly and return to the shed
  • Visiting team will return scoreboard controller to the concession stand
  • Home team will return the scorebook to concession stand
  • Visiting team will rake the field around the 1st base, 2nd base and pitcher’s mound
  • Home team will rake 3rd base and home plate (batter’s box)

12U/14U Rules of Play

All ASA Women’s Fast pitch Junior Olympic rules apply with the following exceptions. Rules of Play

  • All players on the field will be required to wear face mask during regulation play.
  • All teams must bat a fixed roster, everyone bats
  • Infield fly rule in effect
  • Drop third strike in effect, Look Back rule in effect.
  • With 2 outs Catcher on base Shall be replaced by last out.
  • Runners can steal any base
  • Only one base on an overthrow that goes out of bounds A walked batter may steal to second.
  • 5 run rule limit for 1st. 2nd, inning then 8 runs every inning after. The game will commence with seven players.

    10 (10) players shall play defense, six infielders and four outfielders.


  • All players must play a defense position every other inning.
  • Substitutes are to rotate each game as starters.
  • If a player does not start a game, she must start the next game if she is present at the game. o If a team cannot field eight (8) players, the coach may elect to accept a forfeit or recruit a MASA registered player from the same division or younger division, to make nine (9) players.
  • The replacement player MUST play outfield.
  • In the event the regular player shows up after the game has begun

    They will join the game at the start of the next inning and will take the place of the replacement player. The replacement player must leave the game; no automatic out penalty will apply.

  • No girl may not sit the bench for more than one inning at a time.
  • One (1) minute and thirty (30 second) time limit between innings, they pitcher may have 5 warm up pitches between innings, if time does not allow then only 3 pitches
  • No stalling between innings, have your positions made ahead of time.
  • Basic dugout rules
  • Players are not allowed to make derogatory remarks or do cheers which belittle the opposing team or its members, i.e.: do not address the other team’s pitcher.
  • No hanging on the dugout meshes or cause damage to any league property.
  • NO ONE other than team members and coaching staff is allowed in the dugout at any time during the game.
  • Regulation Game
  • A regulation game shall consist of one (1) hour and (15) minutes or six innings completed. Finish the inning in progress.
  • A game called by the umpire after 3 innings shall be considered regulation.
  • The umpire is empowered to call a game because of weather, curfew, or acts of God.
  • A game that has not completed 3 innings and called by the umpire will be completed when the two teams meet at their next scheduled game.

           The two teams will complete the game that was delayed prior to starting their regularly scheduled game. 5 run limits run rule for 1st, 2nd innings, all other innings 8 run limits

           . If game ends in a tie, another inning will be played, and the international tie breaker will be activated. The inning will start with the last batted out placed on second base for both at bat teams and start the inning with 0 outs. If inning ends in a tie, a second inning will be played again start last two batted out players one on second and one on third and the inning will start with 0 out.

  • Scorekeeping
  • The home team shall provide one (1) scorekeeper for each game. The Visiting team will provide (1) scorekeeper to run the scoreboard.
  • Before e each game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Obtain the scoreboard equipment from the concession stand. (visitor)

                                                   Obtain the designated scorebook for their field from the concession stand. (Home)

                                                    Connect the scoreboard equipment at the designated field. (Visitor)

                                                   Obtain the starting line-up from the managers of both teams. (Home)\

    12U/14U Rules of Play cont’d

  • During each game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Keep score for each team and run the scoreboard.

  • After the game, the scorekeeper s shall:

                                                   Write the final score in the scorebook, indicating the winning team by name.

                                                   Sign the scorebook including the time & date

                                                   Have both coaches sign book and verify score

                                                   Have umpire sign scorebook

                                                   If scorebook is not signed and filled out correctly both teams will get a loss

  • Before Each game
  • Visiting team for the first game will water the entire infield (arrive 1 1/2 hour before game time)
  • Home team for first game will stripe the fields before the game (arrive 1 1/2 hour before game time)
  • Team moms will make sure make sure the trash cans in both dugouts have a liner
  • Home team will keep the official score and have official score book
  • Visiting team will keep the score board and pick up controller or flip score board from concession stand
  • After each game
  • Both teams will rake the field after each game
  • Visiting team will rake the field around the 1st base, 2nd base and pitcher’s mound Home team will rake 3rd base and home plate (batter’s box)
  • Last game of the day
  • Each team will pull garbage bag out of dugout and take to dumpster
  • Each team will take down their dugout organizer and fold neatly and return to the shed
  • Visiting team will return scoreboard controller to the concession stand
  • Visiting team will rake the field around the pitcher’s mound, catchers’ mound and around each base after the last game

Amendments to Rules of Order

These rules of order may be altered, amended, or repealed and new rules of order may be adopted by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors. All prior and existing rules are hereby repealed and rescinded effective immediately on the latter of the date of effectuation of these rules of order or the date of agreement by the association.

Adopted by the Magnolia Area Softball Association Executive Board of Directors


Keri Fountain


Alina Smity

Commissioner                                                                                                     Richard Davis


Wyndy Sheets


Amanda Burts